Ivyleaf Combe Lodges
Set in woodland, 2 miles from Bude. You have a choice of 2 bedroomed lodges (which sleep 4) and 3 bedroom lodges (which sleep 4 adults and 2 children). Whichever lodge you choose, you'll find a private hot tub for your use. Ivfleaf Combe Lodges is a great place to enjoy a luxury lodge break.
Holiday homes at Ivyleaf Combe Lodges
The following holiday homes are available at Ivyleaf Combe Lodges:
Facilities at Ivyleaf Combe Lodges
Wi-Fi, Hot tub.
For a better idea of where Ivyleaf Combe Lodges is, you can see
Ivyleaf Combe Lodges on the map below - as well as other lodges in the area.
These are all the lodges available at Ivyleaf Combe Lodges
Find out more about Ivyleaf Combe Lodges in North Cornwall
Pheasant Lodge on the map
= Ivyleaf Combe Lodges on the map
= Other lodges near Ivyleaf Combe Lodges
Other lodges in the area
If you're looking for lodges around Ivyleaf Combe Lodges, you maybe interested in these.
There are
24 lodge parks within
30 miles of Ivyleaf Combe Lodges.
These lodges are within 30 miles of Ivyleaf Combe Lodges